We integrate a customer perspective into financial information
Transparenza | Solutions | CRM Consulting

CRM Consulting

This consulting module includes services and tools designed to help the bank to increase the efficiency of the sales network, and implement an efficient customer focused and pro-active sales organization.The permanent objective is achieving a balance between providing better service to the customer and cost of doing it. In practice, this means helping the bank to implement business processes and data management infrastructure that will enable the bank to:

  • Integrate data for a single view on all customer related characteristics, products and activities.
  • Understand a customer value, by identifying and calculating components of revenues, expenses and risks involved in the relationship.
  • Define customer segment specific targets, performance indicators and success measures
  • Design segment specific product and services
  • Implement an efficient , segment specific sales organization
  • Educate and coach sales personell in methods and techniques of the pro-active approach to the client, understanding the client needs and making an adequate proposals
  • Actively manage customer related processes ( monitor, measure and undertake corrective actions), in order to ensure that business objectives are met.
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Lettenbach Str. 29, 86420 Diedorf, Germany
tel. +49 (0) 821 4866 712, mob. +49 (0) 172 107 4134